Coastal protection and use of mineral resources
Dark Blue Cluster demonstrates new ways to protect the coast: sustainable and resilient approaches, with respect for the environment.
Coastal protection and use of mineral resources
Dark Blue Cluster demonstrates new ways to protect the coast: sustainable and resilient approaches, with respect for the environment.
Renewable energy and freshwater production
Dark Blue Cluster creates new technologies to produce and store energy with minimal impact on humans and the planet.
Marine biotechnology and aquaculture
Dark Blue Cluster focuses on efficient fishing and aquaculture and explores the potential of marine resources.
Sea connections
Dark Blue Cluster helps to improve the capacity of sea and inland shipping and introduces environmentally friendly shipping.
Blue tourism
Together with other economic activities related to the sea and ocean, Dark Blue Cluster builds opportunities for educational and ecological tourism.
Ocean health and waste solutions
Dark Blue cluster helps to find new and effective solutions to such complex problems as "plastic soup" and the leakages of toxic substances into the sea.
Ecosystem approach (cross-sectoral approach)
To ensure the growth of the blue sector of Ukraine's economy, the agenda of Dark Blue Cluster is the following: to solve environmental, economic and social problems.
Smart Sea (cross-sectoral approach)
Dark Blue Cluster is always looking for ways to use digitization and other "smart" technologies at sea.