About us

Who we are
The Blue Economy is an emerging concept that encourages better stewardship of our ocean or ‘blue’ resources. Blue economy includes a wide range of economic sectors (aquaculture, tourism, engineering, logistics, energy, ICT, AI, security, or healthcare) and encompasses ecological aspects of the ocean as well
Seas and oceans play a very vital role in providing us with food, energy, transportation, etc

What we do
Our main goal is to develop a cooperative “blue strategy” in Ukraine that will help to stimulate blue growth in the country. We want to build sustainable networks and create innovative projects
We pay a lot of attention to strategic entry points: the development of ports, promoting tourism, nurturing regional value chains in blue products, and fostering blue-based Research & Development

Why we do it
In 2019 almost 4.5 million people worldwide were working in the blue sector. The annual turnover of blue economy is approaching 700 billion euros. According to many experts, this figure can be tripled in 10 years
Our cluster will help to stimulate the development of the blue sector by introducing the latest technologies with respect for the environment and people
Dark Blue Cluster © 2021-2024